Saturday, February 7, 2009


For someone who doesn't like sport, I am certainly doing a lot of sport watching these days.

Last weekend, we were invited to watch the Superbowl, a kind offer which we most certainly accepted, and then tried to find out what it was. Nothing to do with superheroes bowling anyway, not even Super Gran playing Boules. Drat. We were very patiently and gratefully explained to the rules of American football and our endless questions were tolerated even though they must have been very irritating.

The sport bit got mildly exciting when the underdogs almost won, but otherwise it was nothing special for me. It was fun just to watch those crazy US ads, wide eyed as usual. They were plentiful and largely a waste of money for all advertisers involved, but I imagine that I am not the target audience. That's just a shot in the dark though.

The best part of the day, apart from the delicious food, was before the match when we were talking about PE Kits (it had something to do with picking the team to support based on the colour strip they were wearing, which then led on as conversations do to what colours our sport 'uniform' used to be.) Somehow it was revealed that when Mike and I were in primary school, we used to do PE in our underwear. Such was the norm of the day, hey it was the 80s. We literally would take off our outer clothes and be left in our vest and pants, as I am sure you may be able to relate to if you are reading this from the UK. As we were explaining and Mike was translating the words 'vest' and 'knickers' we were met with 3 utterly bemused and truth be told, slightly horrified faces.

Apparently we can add 'a bit savage' to the list of what a Brit is perceived to be. I'm still laughing a week later. I can think of worse things to define me, but only just!


Mike said...

What you didn't mention was the trauma of having to PE in vest and pants just after coming back to school after a bout of chicken pox. No one wanted to stand near me and they thought I had the lurgy.

blues singer said...

Some things never change...

Daniel Buscombe said...

i was of the 90s generation - a less innocent age where PE in pants was strictly a no-no. I did, however, on several occasions embarass myself during PE lessons, from frequent nosebleeds to bouts of accidental nakedness and wearing my rugby socks in the communal showers - something I never lived down. I bet the yankees didnt/dont even have communal showers and paedophile PE teachers - ha!

Mima said...

I definitely remember PE in knickers & vest - horrid, especially somersaults or handstands!