Monday, March 16, 2009

Crayons and Fat Fingers

Sometimes all you need are felt tip pens to have fun, and the forthcoming first birthday of a friend's daughter, oh, and a husband with a fancy laptop...

Best of all, today I was given some knitted finger puppets, so my next ahem..production... promises to be even bigger and better. I am glad I have discovered this symmetry between my two new hobbies. Soon there will be no end to what I can produce; knitted scenery, costumes, props. If only I could knit a plot.


Mima said...

Love it, I think that your friends daughter is very lucky to have such a wonderful film made especially for her. Really love the bits at the end!

blues singer said...

Thanks Mima - I still laugh at the end when Mike sneezes even though I was there! I think he's better off as a scientist...