Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Lost Chart

If you cast your mind back to the MP3 experiment post I did (I am not going to link to it. I am supposed to be job hunting after all, which is why I am doing so many postings all of a sudden. I am fully confident that you can find it though- here's a clue, it is called Notes from the Outside.)

Memories refreshed then, you will recall that I spoke of a chart on a napkin I produced "depicting the strength of crowd reaction to the experiment over time... which one of our companions, Ed, took a picture of. I like my work to be appreciated. I managed to then lose it after I promised I would upload it to the blog. I seem to remember it was rubbish though and had badly proportioned stick people and unrealistic umbrella pictures." Well, here it is (down a bit). Ta da. Not only is all of the above true, it is also impossible to read and gain any sense out of it post-event.

So, if you have a company based in San Francisco near a Muni route which needs someone who clearly has excellent procrastination skills; the ability to skirt around an issue almost indefinitely, appalling customer service with matching bad attitude and low motivation; 'interesting' communication attributes; the ability, but total unwillingness, to adapt; excelent attetnion to detail; worrying interpretations of data (including dubious logic but lots of creative thinking); shocking numeracy and lack of commercial awareness; no ambition, but with high salary expectations, I am free until the end of June 2009.

Picture courtesy of Ed's blog. In case you are reading this Ed, thank you, and sorry for not asking permission first.

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