Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sweets Like Chocolate

I won't be changing my name in Ike in a hurry.

A few weeks ago, I went to Safeway and found bars of Cadbury's chocolate on sale. Imagine my delight. Actually, I'm not sure you can. That isn't to say that I think you have a limited imagination, but this was excessive and involved much finger wiggling, cheesy grins and surprised and excited shrieks. In public.

I got them home and even managed to unpack everything before ripping the sweet nectar open in a half crazed frenzy. My saliva was primed and even though it looked wrong, the packet was purple, so it must be Cadbury's, right? If I had taken the time and stopped to smell it, I would have known it was wrong but belly rumbling, mind full of greed, I bit into the most disgusting brown substance I have ever tasted...ever. Then, I read the packet.

I feel utterly betrayed. It is of course, Hershey's chocolate wrapped in Cadbury's packaging!! How could they do that? Hershey's have bought the licence, but clearly the purple colour package, the logo and the royal approval (or whatever it is) is where it ends. I'm too upset to write any more, you will have to insert your own bile here.

1 comment:

Mima said...

There will be chocolate on the way shortly - you need to let me know though which flavour that you prefer - whole nut, fruit and nut, or pure unadulterated chocolate, and also if there is anything else that you would like me to put in. Otherwise I shall be pick and mixing!