Friday, January 30, 2009

Chicken on the Freeway

I honestly don't how how this stuff happens to me sometimes. I had one task for the morning, to go to Chinatown and get some chicken for a weekend picnic from a shop which makes me salivate just thinking about it.

It is a simple journey, but often fraught, and involves one bus which is usually packed to the rafters regardless of the time of day. Today was no exception. I get on at the first stop so am normally guaranteed a seat at least. Today the bus-stop was so packed, I was lucky to get the second to last seat left on the back row, meaning that I was squashed in and unable to get out unless the whole row moved. Nice. Luckily, I know that everyone gets off at the same stop as I was getting off at so all would be well (I am a seasoned bus rider). In that close proximity, I made friends instantly.

One of my new bus friends was positively delighted by someone talking hands free on a mobile and laughed away when I explained to her what she was doing. She had previously thought she was insane. Now she had all the facts at her disposal, she decided that mobile-lady must be very rich. Did I mention how cute she was? She then launched into the whole subject of phones, and how she usually makes up excuses to get off the phone (let alone talk to people in public! On a bus!), saying things like she has water boiling (a (bizarre) trick learnt from her mother in law!) Her world seemed frankly lovely; deliciously naive and full of child-like wonder. I was privileged to have been shown a brief glimpse. As we neared our destination, she urged me not to go home after dark, to avoid the tunnel especially and gave me top tips on where to get the bus home and still be able to get on. Bless her heart.

I got what I had come for easily, and skipped out of the shop laden with chicken and with a spring in my step. There was a bus right there at the bus stop which was full but not too bad by the usual standards so feeling very smug indeed I jumped on it. I didn't even look to see which number it was as I thought all buses from there went the same way. I know better now. One minute I am passing Union Square and finally have a seat, then Whole Foods, so far so good; the next I am on the Freeway heading south at speed, hopelessly and ridiculously far away from anywhere I know.

The minute the next bus stop loomed I got off and casually crossed the road to get the bus back again, as if that was what I had intended all along, but this time planning where I would get off, and expecting a long walk ahead of me. 'Luckily' for me, the next bus that came along didn't go back on the freeway so I had no clue where I would end up. It is a beautifully sunny day today so I just sat back and enjoyed the ride; I had a map in my bag and I knew I would recognise something soon. Besides, I wouldn't go hungry.

Soon I recognised a street, jumped off and headed for the General Hospital, where I knew I could get a free shuttle the whole way home, walk avoided. It was better than I could ever have hoped for really. All in all, it was a nice ride, good to see a previously unexplored part of town, I shared a laugh with a genuinely lovely person, the whole trip only cost $1.50 (about £1) and most importantly, the chicken clearly enjoyed itself.


Mima said...

A very well travelled chicken! Sounds like an entertaining afternoon, there is nothing quite like exploring when you have the time.

Matilda's Mum said...

Oh my goodness, this reminded me so much of that mistaken bus journey from Orpington, do you remember? The one we thought was the 51 and ended up in an estate on the other side of Scadbury Park.
At least, once again, you coped calmly and with dignity to regain your correct path . . .unlike my almost hysterical reactions back in Scadbury.

blues singer said...

I had totally forgotten! Some of my most memorable bus journeys have been with you! Do you remember our visit to the Peak District when you had to stop the bus as I went hurtling down to vomit out of the door? Or more funnily, on the 269 when you accidentally ran your hand the whole way along a man's thigh when you put your backpack on mistaking it for the seat?! I have never seen you pelt it so fast to the door. Maybe there is a blog post in this - along the lines of 'Great bus journeys I have known.' Actually, I think that will just be the title of my memoirs.