Thursday, January 1, 2009

Mid Way Point Review

The day after Boxing Day marked our first six months in the country and now we have less than six months left on our current visa. It is flying by.

At this time of year, those review of the year programmes are in plentiful supply. I thought I would do my own. I have a terrible memory though so it will probably be the last 2 months I manage. Since we have been here I have done all sorts of things I have never done before which on their own are hardly worth mentioning but all together take on a life on their own, and have changed me. Plus, I love an excuse to make a list.

So, here goes - I have sung in public at the top of my voice (at Sing along Sound of Music), noticed for the first time that the constellations here are all backwards, had my first telephone interview, learnt new phrases, had my privacy invaded over a misplaced Magimix (don't ask, it will just make me mad again), got my first US cell phone number, eaten raw squid (yuck, yuck, yuck), been to a place which I have seen on a film (Vertigo), successfully grown my hair (it won't last - it looks like a dog's dinner), been asked countless times where I am from, felt home sick for the first time in my life, evaluated my country, embraced Skype, eaten the best oranges I have ever tasted, spent a lot of time with myself, watched Seasons 1 to 4 of House, not seen and rarely missed any TV, blogged for the first time, felt utterly, overwhelmingly frustrated, spent time in an airport arrivals lounge, answered to and signed a different name, climbed the biggest hills, flown long haul, turned 30, thought seriously about natural disasters, found a new favourite sitcom (shock, horror), and developed a bigger taste for difference.

Let's hope the next six months are just as informative, life changing and fun. Happy New Year!


Matilda's Mum said...

What about the air raid siren mystery? The wonderful dancing Mr Orange? A visit from your mum? The lack of public art outside your window?

blues singer said...

There will be public art - just not where I thought it would be. At this rate, it may even be up before we leave. Living on building sites seems to be my new thing.