Friday, January 2, 2009

Meat, Meat, Meat

We decided we would embrace US Christmas traditions this year and as Thanksgiving was so great, after a quick Google based research session, we threw caution to the wind and ordered a Turducken breast. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this festive meat, it is a turkey breast, which has a duck breast inside, and inside the duck breast is a chicken breast. In the harsh light of the day, it sounds disgusting. NOW it does, but there is something about the run up to Christmas; the gift inspiration fretting, the impending poverty, scarves in the cold, the brainwashing songs, the (bigger) obsession with food, the colour red, the general campery; it makes you do crazy things.

No excuses, the fact remains, we ordered a trio of meat and placed in it our trust and high hopes.

Firstly, it was immense, even by the standard US portions sizes we have grown accustomed to. We thought it would last for 2 dinners and 3 lunches and represent good value. The reality was it was seemingly endless and taunted me for days whenever I opened the fridge.

We thought it would be delicious. We were so very very wrong. The chicken breast (and excuse me while I gag in memory) was minced and piped in to the duck. The duck was tiny and disappointing, and the turkey was turkey. Dull with a tendency to be dry. Oh well, we never have to have one of those again. Next year, it's deep fryed turkey all the way.

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