Tuesday, August 5, 2008

All my dreams come true?

I am literally so excited that I am struggling to keep my fingers still enough to type this. I have just found out that from 8th - 17th August, San Mateo, a place south of San Francisco will host it's annual county fair. This involves a vast number of entertainment activities including horse racing, a carnival with a list of rides as long as my arm, concerts, a chilli cook off, a diaper derby (a crawling race for children less than a year old), vegetable displays, Big Bubba's Bad BBQ, Chinese acrobats, pig racing, and quilting competitions. I really could go on and on - this place seriously has it all.

My interest was immediately peaked, of course, and then I delved a little deeper to see what the concerts were like, expecting a bunch of people who I had never heard of. Imagine my delight when I discovered that the line up included, not only The Village People, still going strong after 30 years, but also Billy Ray Cyrus, of Achy Breaky Heart fame. I was hooked after I read about the public quilting to be honest, and now suddenly, there are icons involved. This is more than a girl can take on a Tuesday afternoon.

After a heady dose of smelling salts, I checked out the prices, fully expecting that this page would contain the sting. Now, I find a diaper derby fairly astonishing, but I have never been more surprised in all my life. Booked in advance, a full day at this amazathon costs a mere $6. That is £3. It rises to just $9 if you pay on the door.

I'll be booking in advance don't you worry. Now the only problem is to decide whether to go this Saturday, when the Village People play, or next Saturday with Billy Ray...


Matilda's Mum said...

Bargainious! at that price can't you do both?

Mima said...

What fun, I'm with the Village People though! I have done a bit of quilting, and would just love to see a quilting competition - do you know if it is for completed quilts that are judged, or for people racing against each other? Sounds amazing either way. You are going to get the real American experience with a chilli cook off!!

If they are doing different events on both days, I'm with matilda's mum, can't you do both!

blues singer said...

Grr, we tried to book tickets online, but were thwarted yet again, but the fact that we don't have a US credit card, so we will have to queue and pay the full $9. Travel to San Mateo soon adds up so we will only be going to one (but we get to go on a silver double decker train...) Once will be enough! Full write up to follow...