Friday, August 29, 2008

Window Update

I know you are all desperate to know ('all' - I flatter myself) whether our windows have been washed yet. Alas, no, but we did get another message yesterday to ask that when our turn finally comes, our windows are only open 3 inches. In addition, time has been added to the window washers schedule "for set up and break down activities." No mention of break dance activities though. I would understand why additional time had not already been factored in for that.

No wonder this is an annual event. I haven't seen the window washers yet but I am expecting some sort of Steptoe and Son set up with slapstick tendencies, meaning that due to hilarious hi-jinks, actual daily window washing is kept to a minimum. See, it is worth keeping reading this stuff just to find out if I am right isn't it?

1 comment:

Matilda's Mum said...

Thank goodness for the update I was wondering how it was going! I'm still extremely interested in finding out what that air raid siren was on a Tuesday and need a blog of your journey to find out. . . see your fans are even doing requests now.