Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Crate and Barrel Restored my Mojo

When you are living with no furniture and only the basic equipment you could carry home on the bus from Ikea, the arrival of crockery can be overwhelming. This is a copy of the email I sent to Mike upon receipt of our parcel.

I have never had so much fun unwrapping anything before in all my life, particularly something I knew the contents of.

The plates can only be used to serve truly beautiful food on so hopefully will change our lives.

The bowls are teeny tiny, not really suitable for cereal so hopefully these will again change our lives by altering pudding portions.

The box it all came in could be a home for a child.

The wine glasses, well, they will make terrible drunkards of us, leading to exportation in glorious poverty.

The cups are just cups, and everyone needs cups.

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